Tuesday, December 7, 2010


John 8:32; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Amen.
The knowledge we have governs our walk in life. Imagine, without knowing a country's laws, a citizen is handicapped. A player who doesn't know the rules of the game can't function totally as he is to. Do you desire freedom? What do you know? As a Christian, do you positively know the rules to play by? Have you thought of crying? This is a thought for the season!

                In John 8:32, Jesus tells us that, our knowledge of the truth shall set us free. The fact you have stayed in that situation doesn't mean you don't have faith, far from that, it means you might be ignorant about your situation. IGNORANCE MAKES US SUFFER. What is the truth about your situation? Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun. Think, people fall down each day, have you ever bothered to ask or find out why? It is simply because of their ignorance about the hole or their negligence. At a certain level, negligence and ignorance coincide and it becomes a time bomb waiting to explode. Your negligence about the Word of GOD makes you ignorant. GOD is our source of freedom. The Bible teaches us in John 14:6; Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me. Amen. [AMP] GLORY TO GOD! Freedom is in Jesus. JESUS IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. The main reason we suffer is either the failure to accept this or ignorance!

                Knowledge is the cure of ignorance. Psalm 119:130; The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple. Amen. The psalmist points to us that the Word of GOD was the cure to many before, is to many of our time and will be for many to come after us. Understanding It makes us wiser to beat the competition. Have you taken the time to find the solution from the Word of GOD? The Word of GOD always executes it purpose because it is GOD's power. Just like the word of a king as Ecclesiastes 8:4; puts it where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, what doest thou? Amen. Don’t waste time blaming everybody, search the Word of GOD. Your freedom is at hand beloved, persevere, and don’t give up yet. Giving up once will determine your future character. It isn't too late to start over again. Ask for GOD's forgiveness, then from those you have been blaming for your failures. It is a humbling thing to do but remember GOD gives more grace to the humble. The Bible is the only way to discover Jesus, the only way to the truth which is our freedom. IT'S ONLY IN THE BIBLE THAT WE LAY HOLD OF LASTING SOLUTIONS.

                There is one truth I also want to share about the truth before we take a break for this year. It's about crying. Not crying as such as but, making a supplication to the Lord GOD. Knowing the truth about your current situation can only lead you to cry out for help. Psalm 34:19; Many evils confront the [consistently] righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. Amen. [AMP] This is one of the most wonderful Psalms I have read. Your problem can be the evil confronting you but there should be no cause for alarm, Salvation is at hand. Read upwards to Psalm 34:6; This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. Amen. The solution is to cry out. Allow the Holy Spirit help you see the picture clearly by reading Acts 2:21; which says And it shall be that whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord [invoking, adoring, and worshiping the Lord--Christ] shall be saved. Amen [AMP]. This is another truth to live with. In your problems, find the truth (the Word concerning it) and cry out invoking the name of the Lord so you can be saved. No! Please don't stay idle! Get down on your knees and cry out in prayer. OUR KNEES WILL OPEN THE HEAVENS AND RESULTS WILL POUR OUT FOR US. That is the only solution we have as Christians.

We can know the truth and do nothing about it; this I regret won't do us any good. It's my prayer that GOD gives us more of His grace as we search His Word for the solutions to our problems today, as we discover His Son and our Glorious Savior Jesus Christ and the strength to go on our knees and cry out to Him for His salvation in our situation. We are not entering 2011 with the unsolved problems of 2010!!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!

Meditation; Psalm 119:97-100, Acts 20:32, Isaiah 55:8-11, Psalm 107:20, John 16:23-24.

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