Thursday, November 25, 2010


Zechariah 8:6; This is what the LORD Almighty says: “It may seem marvelous to the remnant of this people at that time, but will it seem marvelous to me?” declares the LORD Almighty. Amen.
      A miracle can be defined as an extraordinary event that surpasses all known human or natural powers and abilities. In our opening verse, an act is presented from two different view points; God’s and men’s. What would be considered by man as such an extraordinary thing would be seen by God as ‘a normal affair’.God was going to do something so wonderful that he knew the people would think it was too good to be true.

     Perhaps God might have spoken a word to you, he might have given you a vision which you think cannot be accomplished, but with God on your side, it shall come to pass. Don’t let go of it! At times we tend to focus on the impossibilities and walk by what we can or can’t see instead of walking by faith. Faith is the telescope we must look through so our eyes can see far beyond our inabilities! Jesus said we should have faith in God. He knew if we tried to perceive things on our own, we will fall short of where God desires us to be! Often times Jesus said ‘You have heard that it was said … but I tell you…’ Jesus was saying, you might have heard a thousand-and-one voices telling you why something cannot be done or why you in particular cannot achieve something. The most important voice is God’s. He says if you would believe Him, he would do much more than you could ever ask, think or even imagine. It doesn’t matter what anybody else says, it only matters what He says!!! You are on your way to receiving much more than your dreams could get you; believe God!!!

2 Pet 3:8a says “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years” - This is such an awesome truth of Scripture. I believe that what could only have taken you a thousand years (which is more than a lifetime) to accomplish, God can achieve that for you in just one day! Jesus showed this when he fed the five thousand people in Mark 7. Verse 37 says: But he (Jesus) answered, “You give them something to eat.” They said to him, “That would take eight months of a man’s wages”. In effect, they were acknowledging the fact that it would take a person eight months to have enough to feed that crowd. Here’s the best part of that story; Jesus did that in less than a day, and full baskets of food were left over!!! What a miracle! Friend, God is able to provide a miracle effortlessly for things and situations where you seem to be making no headway. He says all things, not just some, are possible; faith is the key.

      I want you to live for tomorrow knowing that for every miracle you may require: a child, a marital partner, a job, finances, a business partner, God is able to and would provide these for you if only you believe. They might seem big in your eyes, but they are small in His hands. You would be sharing your testimony soon!!!

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