Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Scriptures: Numbers 11:23, Psalm 119:89-90, Hebrews 13:8.

Do you still suffer from that sickness that won't go away? Are all that you experience nowadays failures after failures? Are your dreams suddenly becoming unattainable?

Numbers 11:23; And the LORD said unto Moses, Is the LORD'S hand waxed short? thou shalt see now whether my word shall come to pass unto thee or not. Amen.
                In Numbers 11, we see how the children of Israel complained. They complained bitterly about food, the cucumbers and melons they were missing in Egypt. But GOD gave them manna from heaven. They ate their full, even disobeyed GOD during this provision and then complained about meat. Imagine it for a minute, they were in slavery back in Egypt, GOD set them free with His powerful hand. Here they were on their way to a better life and they were complaining about food and meat.
                GOD promised them a better life, in a place where milk and honey flowed, where they were going to be with Him, and they regretted ever leaving Egypt. Think of this for a while, they were going to be with GOD in a future full of hope that He had designed for them. This sometime marks our attitude as Christians towards our Heavenly Father. He gave up His Son so we will have everything and when we meet the least hardship, we cry and complain. If you doubt, a simple question, how many times have we regretted giving up something because the Word of GOD told us to? In John 10:10, Jesus said He had come so we have abundant life so what are we complaining about? Is it the unemployment at the moment or the lack of financial resources or that sickness that won't go away since your childhood? GOD has a Word or should I put it a question for each and every one of us today, Is His hand waxed short? Don't regret that life of alcoholism, lies, fornication, adultery or theft just because you can't make ends meet or times in your business are hard. Let's have a look at Psalm 119:89; For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. 90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth. Amen. GOD's Word is final and His faithfulness unto generations!!! It is settled in heaven and it will come to pass here on earth!!! His plans for us are so enormous so we shouldn't let our current situations deter us from exercising our faith in Him. If we want to see the power of our Wonderful Creator, I advice that we endeavour to get to His Word which is His power unto salvation for all of us.
Let's close this week with Hebrews 13:8; Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Amen. GOD hasn't changed. He is still the same faithful GOD who cured diseases, provided food for 5000 men and raised the dead. Refuse to look at your problems and definitely refuse to complain, they make them seem bigger than GOD, fixe your eyes on Him alone through His Word for us each day. Amen & GOD BLESS YOU!!!
Further meditation; John 10:10, Jeremiah 1:12, Romans 1:16.

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