Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Beloved, The onus is laid upon me to reveal this to you and the world. Are you living under constant condemnation, guilt or feeling  constantly burdened with what you don't even know you have done. I proclaim victory into your life today in Jesus name.

Romans 2:1-2 lets us know that no one can condem you because of our faith in the work of  our Savior Jesus Christ. You are set free from sin, the condemnation and death by the power of the Holy Spirit, this is because you are the son of GOD. GLORY TO GOD!!! I will to tell you today that, once you have been set free, you never have to go back to feeling that you are made righteous because of what you do. Far from that, your righteousness is because of what GOD did for you and I on Calvary. I Corinthians 5:21. HALLELUJAH!!!

A secret to our victory comes from Colossians 2:14-16. Jesus took it all to the cross. Oh how sweet to hear this!!! Took the devil and made a spectacle of him, leaving him powerless!!! YEA!!! The devil has no power of you!!! Take hold of your victory in Jesus'  mighty name!!! I will like to proclaim your success and victory to you right now. Philippians 4:13 lets us know that once the Lord Jesus Christ who made a spectacle of the devil lives in you, you can do all things, YEA nothing is impossible. What you couldn't do a while back you are doing even better than that in Jesus name!!! Where you couldn't go, you are ggoing because Jesus lives in you. HALLELUJAH!! Mark 9:23 lets us know that if and only if you believe, all these will be possible unto you. Believe is a word I would like us to keep close to our hearts. Amen

Meditate on I Corinthians 1:30 and have a blessed week. Go forth being the blessing you have been made unto the world. Speak a word of blessing into the life of all the people you meet. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

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