Friday, September 10, 2010


It’s amazing how some topics come up and you’re never able to talk about them to completion. No matter how much we have elaborated on the love of God, I doubt we would ever be able to say that we have dissected all its width and length and height and depth. It’s like this commercial on the radio: a child tells the friend that some conversations never end; all you have to do is just keep on asking ‘and then’ after the other person has answered the question you just asked. 

I believe the love of God is just like that. We could keep on asking ‘and then’ even after every single person, all the 6 billion plus people on earth, have described it every second of every day of their lives; and that is how great God’s love for us is! God’s love is simply so encompassing of our lives; it begins before our pasts and lasts longer than our future! This is what is intimated in the book of Jeremiah. “The Lord appeared to us from afar saying, I have loved you with an EVERLASTING love”! – If you would just pause a minute to dwell and reflect on this a bit. God’s love for you is everlasting; it began even before you were born! Although you might have made some mistakes, or might be feeling guilty and unworthy, you might even be feeling rejected and neglected, but remember this: The Almighty and all powerful God loved you even before you did anything to deserve his love, and he still does. Be assured that God has already decided to love you, and He’s decided to love you with a love that knows no beginning and no end – it’s everlasting! 

Because of God’s great love for you, He will always provide you with the good things that He has stored and purposed for you. God loves you so much that he will continually protect you; his love is so endless that u can count on him to comfort you in those anxious moments. Song of Solomon 2: 4 says: “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love [for love waved as a protecting and comforting banner over my head when I was near him]. Let your mind be put to rest in God, put your faith in him; he has brought you to the banqueting house, not just an ordinary dinner table, but to the place of abundance, and of lavish provision! I’m beginning to imagine how awesome and wonderful that is; envision the banqueting house of the King of kings, the Creator of the universe, the One who made the gold and the silver!

Do what David did and assure yourself of God’s love each morning. Take a look at God’s creation and reflect on all the good things he’s done for you in your life so far. Even if things have not gone as you wanted them to, you still do have a lot to be grateful for. Spending time to appreciate these gifts will give you a spirit of expectancy to receive even greater things from him. In Psalm 136:9 David mentions how God created the moon and stars, and reminds himself that God’s love endures forever. It’s like each time David looked at the moon, or looked at a star he was reminded of the love of God. Now think of the stars as all the many reminders God has given to remind you of His love! When you’re feeling down, look at the moon, a star, the clouds, the heavens, his creation, and remind yourself that God has enveloped you in his comforting love.
I want you to wake up each day, and meditate and declare God’s incredible love for you. Remind yourself of how God loves you so much he even gave the most valuable person he had and loved, his Son Jesus, for you. Know that if He didn’t even withhold the most important person he had from you, then there’s no way he’s ever going to stop being good to you.

I want you to live for tomorrow knowing that God’s love is enough to last you a lifetime and beyond! God has decided to love you today, and tomorrow, and the next day and the next day and the next and ……. It’s everlasting!!!
Jeremiah 31: 3 The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.
Psalm 92:2 It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a ton Kobby. Sometimes we get to a place where we seem to forget that we have a wonderful GOD who cares for and loves us dearly, hereby allowing doubts and worries to take over thus stopping us from moving on in faith. This reminder has just fired me up to keep on going even in the difficult times. GOD BLESS YOU
