Saturday, September 25, 2010


One of the best told and inspirational stories in the Bible is the story of the young man David, who brought down the mighty giant Goliath. For days, Goliath had challenged the Israelite army to pick a man to fight him one-on-one. His taunts only made them cower with fear. Amazingly, the whole army put their hope in this boy who was not even strong enough to move in the king’s armour! I found it really intriguing to learn that David killed the giant not just with any stone but a smooth one and that stone sunk right into his forehead! I might not have been that impressed if the stones were rough, like i had first imagined. A smooth stone actually sinking in this giants forehead is totally unbelievable, but God does exactly that! Well, before David ever even fought Goliath, he declared in advance by faith that he was going to defeat him. He declared the word of God into the circumstance and sure enough, God performed his very word. I believe David might have just right gone over and pushed Goliath and he probably would have died too. You see, David had done the most important thing, he had spoken the word of God, and God did confirm his word!

Let’s dive into yet another story, this time one of the wonderful miracles of Jesus. In John 5, Jesus healed a man who had been sick for 38 long years. Jesus didn’t touch him, to heal him all he did was just to speak to him! All he said was "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." Jesus spoke just a few words and that was enough to heal this man of his chronic disease. I wouldn’t be surprised if all along he had never heard the Word of God about his life, about his health. He might only have heard people telling him he could never make it, all possibility of him getting well was far-fetched. All the words in his heart were “you can’t make it, you’ll never get well, you’re going to be sick your whole life;” all he ever heard was man’s words of impossibilities and limitation. Well, Jesus walks on the scene and what he tells him is “you have what it takes”, “you can be whole again.” In telling him to rise up and walk JESUS WASN’T ONLY TELLING HIM WHAT TO DO, HE WAS TELLING HIM WHAT HE COULD DO! He was telling him he could stretch beyond that which seemed possible; he could rise above the chains that held him, above every obstacle that stood in his way!!! The story ends so beautifully, just as Jesus had asked him to, the man did. Once the sick man allowed the word of God to settle in him, once he believed that word, God performed it. When asked how he was healed, he reported that a man (Jesus) asked him to rise up pick his mat and walk!! How wonderful! The Word of God had saved him!

The Bible says in Jeremiah 1: 12 that God watches over his word to perform it. The key then is to keep the word of God in your heart and in your life. At times when things tend to be going contrary to what you know God has planned for you, when things seem to be getting out of control, still continue to hold on to his word. Speak His word into your life, into your circumstance, even into the lives of others and you would realize that it would definitely come to pass. His word never returns to him without achieving what he sent it for. Your heart is the soil in which the word of God would grow. Even in the dark moments hold on to his word for where the word of the King of kings is, his power is present to work and to bring you to the end which he has designed for you.
I want you to live for tomorrow continually incubating the word of God in your life. I want you to hold on to, to grasp firmly the word of God over your life. Know that once you give it first place in your life, above every situation and circumstance that might look threatening, God will see it and perform it for and in you.
Definitely, his word would bring you to that end he has written for you!!!

Scripture Passages:
Jeremiah 1: 12; Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it.(Amplified Bible)

Isaiah 55:11; So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (Amplified Bible)

Ecclesiastes 8:4; Where the word of a king is, there is power; And who may say to him, “What are you doing?” (NKJV)

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