Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Genesis 15:5; And He brought him outside [his tent into the starlight] and said, Look now toward the heavens and count the stars--if you are able to number them. Then He said to him, So shall your descendants be. Amen

God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think or imagine. It’s so important then that in approaching God, we keep this in mind and do not think of him as a God who is limited in resources, love or ability. NO MATTER HOW BIG YOUR DREAM IS OR HOW GREAT THE VISION GOD HAS GIVEN YOU, HE IS ALWAYS ABLE TO DO BEYOND WHAT YOU EXPECT. If you have a small vision, God would do much more than you expect, but wouldn’t it be better if you had a greater vision, and watched God unfold it for you supernaturally in ways you could not fathom?

The opening scripture is one that just amazes me. Meditating on it always revives my spirit! We read about God bringing Abraham outside, from his tent into the starlight. So many people are only dreaming in their tents. They are dreaming with their limitations in mind. They dream till they get to a point where their limitations yell at them ‘you can’t go any further than this’ and they stop dreaming right there. What you should keep asking yourself is this: ‘Is my biggest dream big enough for God?’ When you have the creator of the universe willing to accomplish great things through you, you do not present to him a dream the size of a pebble! Instead of asking yourself ‘What if it doesn’t work?’ you should be asking ‘What if it does work?’ Don’t be scared to dream big, to imagine big; dreaming wouldn’t cost you a cent, it’s free. I once heard someone say, ‘DREAM SOMETHING SO BIG THAT IT WOULD TAKE ONLY THE HAND OF GOD TO ACCOMPLISH IT’. That’s what I’m talking about. DON'T LET YOUR CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES SET THE BOUNDARIES FOR YOUR DREAMS. Remember Joseph in the Bible, the dreamer of dreams? In the culture he lived in it was difficult to believe his dream could ever come true. What could possibly set the stage for his parents and brothers to bow down and revere him? How could he become king in a culture which had never had a king? But Joseph understood that he had to dream outside his tent. He didn’t let these circumstances limit him; he decided to dream in the starlight.

God needed to bring Abraham out into the starlight for a reason. He couldn’t show him what he wanted to while he was still in the tent. Until we let go of the things that hold us back in our mind, the things that discourage us, which tell us that we can’t do what God has destined us to, he would not be able to show us his greatest plans for us. Get into the starlight of confidence, believe in yourself, you are well able, you have all it takes to succeed! Sure, we might be scared by the enormousness of the dreams but remember that it is the same God who made the vast universe out of nothing we are referring to. If he could make the universe out of nothing, how much more can he accomplish all what he has put in your heart through his greatest creation - you! The starlight is where we look all about us and see all sorts of possibilities and opportunities. In the starlight we not only see the greatness of the dreams God has for us, but also the brightness of the dreams. We are reminded that these dreams hold light for lives other than ours. A God given dream would always be of benefit to others. It would always light up the hearts of someone other than us. Are you ready to step into the starlight and fill your life with the light of a God given dream? 
Million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, and then what comes next? What is the largest number you can count to? These thoughts just run through my mind each time I meditate on this verse. God said to Abraham ‘count the stars--if you are able to number them.’ In effect he was saying, ‘you would count the stars till you run out of numbers; when you’ve exhausted every number u know, there would still be a multitude of stars left,’ When God achieves a dream through you he does what is beyond anything anybody knows. That is what we refer to as extraordinary, beyond the ordinary; that is exactly what the fulfillment of a supernatural dream looks like. It leaves people dazzled and awed, they are unable to comprehend it. It beats not just imagination but also all expectation and knowledge. This was the voice of God to Abraham then and I believe it is the voice of God to the seed of Abraham. God wants to do something amazing in our days, but we will need to leave the tent of limited thinking, the tent of unbelief, the tent of selfish ambitions, for him to accomplish this. 

‘…so shall your offspring be…’ All we need to do is to believe and to get into agreement with God. We have to believe, and then he will do the work. We do not accomplish it on our own, but only by his strength and our offspring, that is, the works he will do through us and what he will accomplish by us shall be just as the stars in the sky. Allow God to bring you outside your tent into the starlight.

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